Plans & Visions
Plans & Visions

Create Qingdao International Economic Cooperation Zone 2.0


New era, new start, new action. The next priority of QIECZ is to create the 2.0 version of the zone and build a world renowned first rate international ecopark.


Effort will be made to foster an idyllic environment, and to promote low-carbon, green and sustainable development. Ecological conservation will meet top international standards.


The zone will stay committed to green development by developing green buildings and green industries. An industrial system that can play a pioneering role and represent world first class standard will be put in place.


With the goal of a better life for all, a living environment where people and nature harmoniously coexist and a working environment where people and industry benefit each other will be created. A fifth generation park will be developed following the philosophy of “smart ecological tech for a better life; openness and integration for improved quality.”



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