Sino-German Comprehensive Index System that represents the advanced level of Ecoparks in China has been formed based on the experience of cities including Freiburg and Heidelberg. The system was incorporated into the Work Guidance for International Cooperation Ecoparks of National Economic and Technological Development Zones issued by Ministry of Commerce in 2014, as an official guidance for national development zones and international cooperation Ecoparks.
In 2018, based on the practices and dynamic evaluation in the past 6 years and with reference to UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the three-tier UN Habitat standards, the original eco-index system has been upgraded and become the Sino-German Ecopark 2030 Sustainable Development Index System, which has put forward new requirements for sustainable development of Ecoparks and set out the eco-index system 2.0 which represents the top level of international Ecoparks.
TüV NORD believes that the eco-index system of Sino-German Ecopark is in line with the sustainable development philosophy of UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The system comforms with the new requirements for sustainable development of Ecoparks and represents the top level of international Ecoparks.
In order to realize the goal of building a park 2.0 and a first-rate international park, by drawing on the best practices of domestic and foreign green eco-cities, Development and Construction Standards have been formulated to lay out specific requirements on design, materials, image, award application, etc.
The park has set up the first green eco-development standard system for parks and zones which includes Sustainable Development Index System, Green and Ecological Construction Management Measures and Development and Construction Standards.